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California’s reservoirs will enter fall in a slightly better position than last year, but the Golden State should prepare for more dryness, extreme weather events and water quality hazards in 2023, officials say.
The latest climate forecasting update from the Department of Water Resour
The man charged with kidnapping 15 year old Mikella Debina made his initial court appearance today in Hilo. Duncan Mahi is being held on 2 million dollars bail.
HILO, Hawaii (KITV4) -- Court documents revealed new details about the abduction of 15-year-old Mikella Debina on the Big Islan
Humans can go inside to escape smoke; wildlife cannot
Birds, like the native red-tailed hawk, are especially prone to smoke inhalation.
ISABELLE BUSCH, Evergreen reporter, columnist September 19, 2022
As smoke swept through the Pacific Northwest, it caused unhealthy air
The New York City Council is pushing the historically-white FDNY to overhaul its workforce into a firefighting coalition that better reflects city demographics.
Meanwhile, the FDNY’s most diverse unit — FDNY fire protection inspectors (FPI) — who have long alleged that pay dis
[Courtesy of the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials]
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SINGAPORE - During a maintenance check in October 2019, a technician failed to ensure that a water pump could readily supply water to hose reels in case of a fire at a housing block in Bukit Batok.
His negligence led to a delay in the rescue effort after a blaze broke out within a mon
T he Merrick Fire Department is gearing up to host the Sixth Battalion Parade & Drill this weekend.
The festivities will kick off with an early-Saturday drill, at 10 a.m., at the Four Towns Training Center on Merrick Road. Later that day, departments in the battalion will march thro
Paul J. Durland of Crossville, TN, formerly of Rock Hill, NY, died on Monday, September 12th after a brief illness. He was 71 years old.
The son of the late Donald H. and Dolores Wolfe Durland, he was born April 24, 1951 in Middletown, NY. He was predeceased by his wife, Stephanie Hogan
Deadman's Point can be seen from China Beach, a cove tucked between Lands End and Baker Beach in San Francisco's Sea Cliff neighborhood.
The weather was stunning in San Francisco on the evening of Sept. 16, with clear skies and the sun blazing overhead. Conditions seemed perfect for me