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Firefighters serving rural communities have unveiled a new car which will be used to help tackle wildfires.
The state-of-the-
Pictured, from left, are Anna Leigh Watts, Jennifer Plunkett, Heather McBrayer, Sarah Allen and Will Cole.
Pictured, from left, are Anna Leigh Watts, Jennifer Plunkett, Heather McBrayer, Sarah Allen and Will Cole.
BOAZ, Ala. — Boaz City Schools recently recognized a few teachers
An advanced materials company in Pendleton has been awarded $1.15 million to develop materials to protect soldiers from chemical warfare agents.
A spokesperson for Tetramer Technologies said existing carbon-based materials shield against chemical weapons by absorbing contaminants, b
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A broken ankle is also called a fractured ankle. It happens when one or more bones in the ankle joint break.
The ankle joint is made up of the following bones:
A broken ankle is very painful.
X-rays can show the location, type, and severity of your ankle break.
This wil
Two teams from Letchworth and Baldock extinguished the blaze. - Credit: Archant
A lorry has caught fire this morning, in Grove Road, Hitchin.
The incident occurred today (Thursday, July 21) at around 8.15am.
During the fire, the trailer of a Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV), c
But one equally crucial aspect of his survival is that Grosjean was able to emerge from around 29 seconds inside a fireball with only very light burns to his hands.
His fireproof overalls, underwear, socks, balaclava and gloves all did exactly what they were designed to do in protecting
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James Scarborough, a student at Hawthorne Junior High School, pastes the cover onto a book in his bookbinding class, Dec. 10, 1925. Students in junior high school, introduced in 1923 to the San Antonio public school system, ha
By Regina F. Graham For
Published: 16:42 EDT, 11 May 2017 | Updated: 21:23 EDT, 11 May 2017
An elderly man in Florida tragically died on his birthday when he crashed into a fire hydrant and got sucked into a hole under his car and drowned.
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